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U-Walk Fest is April 4, 2023 and Open to All!


The U-Walk campus walkability audit addresses the needs of students, faculty, and staff by measuring accessibility, safety, and comfort. The audit is composed of five section: Safety, Comfort, Infrastructure, Crossings, and Overall Assessment. The audit does not require in-depth knowledge of pedestrian infrastructure, but a manual can be found here for guidance.

Why Measure Walkability

Walkability is the ability of a pedestrian to comfortably and safely get from one place to another. In a university setting this may include walking safely from one class to another or from a place of residence to campus. Most often these are measured based on environmental factors such as pedestrian pathways and safe crossings.

U-Walk is the walkability audit created specifically for measuring accessibility on university campuses. Due to their unique purpose, these areas experience high volumes of foot and wheel traffic, but are they safe? Data on walkability provides decision makers; planners, active transportation managers, U-Safety, and more, with concrete information to make informed decisions.

U-Walk Fest
Join us for our first annual U-Walk Fest on April 4, 2023 in the Architecture + Planning building at the University of Utah. Participants will learn about the importance of walkability and how to perform an audit. They will then be able to complete a walkability audit and assist with the important data collection.
Importance of Data
Data is one of the most reliable forms of information for decision-makers. It provides site-specific information, in this case how walkable an area is, that directly demonstrates what the existing conditions are.
Version 2
U-Walk is currently in its second version. Improvements were made based on student feedback, data analysis, and discussions with university decision-makers. To discover more about the analysis performed, click on the button below.